Friday, July 24, 2009

Are Only Whites Racist?

Hold on a second here folks, its crossed my mind that these groups '' ARA, ARC, ANTIFA'' are towards '' unity and equality, diversity and agianst HATE'' yet it seems that they are only really geared towards whites. I mean can you give me on example on the famous Anti Racist Canada ( there are ANY stories of brown, black, yello or jewish person on there against say a white person? Or for example a Asian Vs. Blacks? no, because that wouldnt be racist! The word Racist is very interseting for what is the correct definition? Racist does not apply to anyone that isnt' white. Plain and simple. EVERY story on Anti Racist Canada is about a white person being racist. And not one Fucking story of a Colored person being Racist to another color or for that matter a white person. If You are striving for equality and peace, and too put a end to racism then is it only whites that are being persecuted. No we are told nothing but guilt : EG : '' The holocaust, Slavery of black from the south, How we ''stole'' North American Land from the natives, and did not find the country(s). And this is being taught to us all Through the Media, Schools, Literature and so forth. I just think White People are looked at as a inferior race by general society, and to Society, '' White'' is not even applied of anything to be proud of, only to force feed every other culture down your throat, and basically get taught on how wrong it is to be white. To Respect and Symbolically Bow to any one of ANY ethnic origin.

March 21st : United Nations declared the day of Racial Discrimination, So why is it when a White Pride - - - NOT WHITE POWER-NOT NAZI-NO HATE TOWARDS ANY OTHER ETHNIC GROUP--- gets 600 fucking ''Anti-Fascits - Anti-Racists'' Protest on a day that is supposed to ELIMINATE racial Discrimination.

I Conclude with this, If you say you are proud to be white, you are deemed a racist. Its Disturbing, But a subliminal Reality they have given us. I Wonder Why?


  1. "...can you give me on example on the famous Anti Racist Canada ( there are ANY stories of brown, black, yello or jewish person on there against say a white person?"

    No man. I can't. But, the examples I DO spot on the A.R.C. blogspot, are those of denigration on behalf of the Anti-Racist Canada "Collective" As Well, whilst the writer[s] attempt to display a negative and differentiating perception of neo-nazi conduct, verses their own and those of their like-minded stock. I hardly notice a difference.

  2. The A.R.C. collective sure does stoop to a lowly level in their almost entirely senseless and unnecessary defamation of others, but the 'Left-brained' seem to have endless excuses for justifying the means.

  3. Are you SERIOUSLY commenting on your own stuff? Man...that's sad...

  4. no i am not commenting on my own material. Do you think it is just one person running this?

  5. I don't think that the writer[s] of this blog would perceive that the A.R.C. Collective [and their like-minded counterparts] and the majority of the neo-nazis defamed on the A.R.C. collective's blogspot are hardly different from one another in terms of mental capacity and conduct. I think that the person who commented prior to the writer's comment above [myself] thinks they're equally misguided, at best.
