Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Welcome, Welcome.

Hello and Welcome to Red Watch Canada. This BLOG has been created to expose such political preferences such as Communism and Anarchism. Groups that go along with these politically incorrect idealogies are as follows: ARA (Anti-racist Action) ARC ( Anti-racist Canada) Anti-fa (Anti-fascist) SHARP (Skinheads AGAINST RACIAL PREJUDICE).

You might be asking youself a number of questions like, "How can an 'anti-racist' organization be bad? How can Communism etc., be bad?"

Well, those questions and many more will be answered here, along with the exposition of the individuals and groups that partake in this gradual abolition of freedom of speech whilst supporting mass genocide . Remember, any time you see that trendy degenerate with the Che Guevera T-shirt, stop to think, "How can a person supporting the idealogy of approximately 100 million deaths be, ''cool?''

Ladies and Gentleman, Welcome to Red Watch Canada.
...And By the way, here's a interesting article produced by Ian Robinson.

[Sun, March 29, 2009]

"Freedom to be stupid" [UPDATED: 2009-03-29 03:31:12 MST]
"...It may not be pretty, but this is what democracy looks like." By IAN ROBINSON

Hold on here a minute. Since when did communists and anarchists become the good guys?
Since never, that's when. But you've got to give them credit for good public relations as members of both groups were well represented in the melee with the deluded folks from the Aryan Guard in downtown Calgary last week.

The neo-Nazis were celebrating White Pride Day -- which carefully occurs on the same day as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Who says those wacky Nazis don't have a sense of humour?
Now, I'm not saying Nazism isn't evil. It is. It's just that compared to anarchists and communists, the Nazis are rank amateurs when it comes to the infliction of human suffering.

The Nazis exterminated about 11-million people in their concentration camp system.
The Communist death toll is about 100-million ... and counting.
And let's not forget it was an anarchist who started the First World War -- death toll, somewhere in the neighbourhood of 50 million poor souls.

Both sides are practitioners of the politics of hate. The Nazis have a race-based hate, and the anarchists and communists promote class-based hatred. But they can both be regarded as hate groups with historical baggage that should make any decent human gag.

What the conflict comes down to is a clash of ideas -- only the position of the anti-racists is that the neo-Nazis shouldn't be allowed to march and express their loony ideas.
Their chants of "Run them out!" and "Clear the streets!" during last week's fracas is ample evidence of that.

Note to anti-racists: Getting into a physical confrontation with the neo-Nazis was dumb. Nazis like physical confrontation. Their entire movement got started with street fights on the boulevards of Munich. Next time they march, just point and laugh at them. That'll really get under their skin.

Following closely on the heels of the Aryan Guard nonsense, comes the reappearance of student anti-abortion activists at the University of Calgary and their disturbing display of aborted fetuses. They already face trespassing charges advanced by the university and risk new ones. The notion of a major, tax-supported university moving to squash free speech on the part of its students is profoundly offensive. So too are the comments of one of the two pro-abortion advocates to turn up in a counter protest. She said the issue wasn't free speech.

"I think it's about choice and supporting women."

Actually, the issue is free speech.

Some folks don't think abortion is an ethical choice and that it shouldn't be supported by tax dollars.

When ideologies and interests compete in the public square, we all benefit. Incidents such as these serve to focus our attention on issues, to clarify our own thinking.

I like to think that people who have a casual, unfocused dislike of immigrants or any ethnic group watched the Aryan Guard march with horror and the realization of what the distillation of their own attitudes produce.
I like to think people who accept abortion as part of our social landscape and saw the anti-abortion display will at least rethink their position, instead of mindlessly accepting it because the discussion itself is taboo.

Severely normal Albertans probably regard these incidents as freak shows on the margins of society, particularly the Aryan Guard/Anti-racist clash, and they're right.
However, freakish or not, offensive to our sensibilities or not, this is what free speech and democracy looks like.

Nobody promised us it would be pretty.

[Red Watch Canada has no affiliation with Ian Robinson, or the Calgary Sun press. The article is also protected by copyright laws.]


  1. Hey how can we send you info on reds and ARA in our area ? we have lots of info and would like to work with you on putting there info out there like they do with us

  2. Any information is more than welcome.
